Hybrid Modular Monster: Dead Air Ghost-M Silencer

Hybrid Modular Monster: Dead Air Ghost-M Silencer
The modular suppressor appears to be king this year
Since a suppressor purchase is virtually for a lifetime thanks to the National Firearms Act of 1934, most purchasers are looking to get the best bang for their buck. The more calibers a silencer can take, the better–but there are big bonus points if you can also change the length depending on your desires or requirements. New for 2016, Dead Air has thrown their hat into the ring with the new Ghost-M silencer.
While the Ghost-M is ostensibly for .45ACP, it’ll eat calibers below it as well. The Ghost-M can be run short when concealability is the name of the game and fullsize when noise suppression is of highest importance. Each portion has its own interlocking baffle stack (numbered for your convenience) with a specific baffle that runs behind the end cap regardless of what length is chosen (also labeled).